Bizman Derrick

Forward The Ndejje Cartels 05

Player Profile

Date of Birth April 12th, 1992
Place of Birth Kireka, Kampala
Height 182cm
Weight 70kg
Citizenship Ugandan

Career Information

Matches 36 matches
Goals 7 goals
Discipline 8 fouls against
Spot Kick 12 Free Kick
Club Debut March 21, 2010
Previous Club The Ndejje Cartels 05
Present Club The Ndejje Cartels 05

Background: Bizman Derrick, a prolific striker, has been a force to be reckoned with for the Ndejje Cartels since 2005. His journey as a striker reflects a remarkable blend of skill, determination, and a consistent knack for finding the back of the net.

Playing Style: As a striker, Derrick is renowned for his clinical finishing, agility, and an instinctive understanding of goal-scoring opportunities. His presence in the attacking line adds dynamism and excitement to the Cartels’ offensive strategies.

Career Highlights: Derrick’s career is punctuated by memorable goals and standout performances. His goal-scoring prowess has been a driving force behind the Cartels’ victories and their reputation as an offensive powerhouse.


  • Regularly features as the top scorer for the Cartels.
  • Instrumental in decisive moments, scoring crucial goals in key matches.

Off the Pitch: Off the field, Bizman Derrick is a charismatic figure, admired for his passion for the game and his positive influence in the team dynamics. His leadership qualities contribute to a cohesive and motivated squad.

Personal Note: Bizman Derrick embodies the striking prowess of the Ndejje Cartels—a player whose goals not only secure victories but also elevate the team’s spirit and pride.

Join us in celebrating Bizman Derrick’s extraordinary contributions to the Cartels’ goal-scoring legacy!