Sebunya Allan

Defender The Ndejje Cartels 05

Player Profile

Date of Birth March 7th, 1986
Place of Birth Theras, Wodland
Height 182cm
Weight 72kg
Citizenship Ugandan

Career Information

Matches 52 matches
Goals 3 goals
Discipline 2 fouls against
Spot Kick 15 Penalty
Club Debut March 20, 2008
Previous Club The Ndejje Cartels 05
Present Club The Ndejje Cartels 05

Background: Sebunya Allan, a seasoned defender, has been a stalwart presence in the Ndejje Cartels since 2005. His journey with the team reflects a deep commitment to defensive excellence and a lasting impact on the Cartels’ legacy.

Playing Style: As a defender, Allan is known for his resolute defending, tactical awareness, and the ability to read the game. His disciplined approach contributes to the team’s solid defensive structure.

Career Highlights: Allan’s career is adorned with memorable defensive displays. His ability to neutralize opposing attackers and provide a reliable shield for the team’s goal has made him a cornerstone of the Cartels’ backline.


  • Recognized for consistent defensive excellence.
  • Instrumental in securing clean sheets and vital victories for the Cartels.

Off the Pitch: Off the field, Sebunya Allan is a respected figure, admired for his professionalism and leadership. His experience and dedication set an example for teammates, contributing to a positive team culture.

Personal Note: Sebunya Allan personifies the defensive resilience of the Ndejje Cartels—a player whose unwavering commitment has stood the test of time, defining the team’s defensive legacy.

Join us in honoring Sebunya Allan’s lasting impact on the Cartels’ defensive strength!